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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the school hours?

Students are permitted on campus at 9:05 daily.  The doors close and the day begins at 9:20. Dismissal is at 3:50 on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday and 2:20 on Wednesdays.  The campus closes 10 minutes after dismissal, so students must be picked up promptly.

Where do students go in the morning?

All students line up in the commons in the morning.  If students walk or are dropped off, they may enter the commons through the gray doors to the left of the main entrance.  If students ride the bus, they enter the building from the bus doors at the North West side of the school and then proceed to the commons..  We do not allow parents to enter the school with the students.  If you are coming to volunteer or have an appointment, please ring the bell at the front door and check in at the office.

How do I pick up my child at the end of the day?

It is important that your child’s teacher knows the regular end of day plan for your child.  If there are any changes to your normal plan, you must CALL THE OFFICE 2 hours prior to dismissal.  Do not communicate any changes by email.

Car pick-ups must follow the 2 available queues and drivers must remain in the vehicle.  Students meet parents at the flagpole for parents that wish to park and meet in person.

What if my child is riding a bus?

If your child is EVER going to take a bus to/from school, it is important for them to ride from Day 1 so that they are included in our head count.  We mark each child’s backpack with the color of their PM bus so we can ensure they come back to the correct stop.  Parents are expected to double check the posted district bus assignments to ensure we have accurate information for your end of day plans.

What about lunch?

All students eat in the commons with Instructional Assistants supervising.  Teachers do not eat with the students.  It is helpful if students bring their lunch from home for the first week of school.  Please practice opening packages/containers independently and cleaning up after themselves at home, and limit the amount of food that needs to be heated at school.

What if my child has an allergy and/or medical issue?

Report any allergies, health concerns or certain food requirements to the office.  Classrooms with students with severe allergies will be marked on the door & allergy-free tables are available at lunch.  We have a part-time Nurse & a full-time Health Secretary to administer all medications and health care.

What about snacks at school?

Adequate nutrition is essential to a child’s ability to learn.  We welcome donations from our generous community to ensure that all students can have access to snack throughout the day.  Please discuss with your child’s teacher what their snack plan will be for the year & send plenty of nutritious snacks that are LOW IN SUGAR.

This is a big school.  How will my child know where to go?

Younger students are escorted by an adult to all locations for the beginning of the year.  Each classroom teacher has a designated color/number that indicates where that class should be in every area of the school (ie. Lunch, Recess, Emergency Location etc.).

How will you keep my child safe at school?

The staff trains extensively for any emergency that we may experience, and we hold drills both with and without students monthly.  Safety is our top priority, and we are fortunate to have the best security features currently available in schools.  Student practices are always conducted in an age-appropriate & non-threatening manner.

How do I get information about the school during the year?

It is important that every family sign up for the free digital newsletter, The Bobcat Bulletin.  You can do this at Clara Barton Elementary PTSA .  This weekly edition comes to you each Monday with all of the information for the week.  The principal sends out letters/notices on an as-needed basis via Parent Square.  We also post on Facebook regularly, so following our page is a good way to stay current with the great things that are happening at school!  Finally, our school website has links to curriculum, resources and staff contact information.

What if my child is sick or taking a vacation during the school year?

If your child is sick you must call the Safe Arrival line at 425-936-2481.  Students must be free of fever or vomiting for 24 hour prior to returning to school.  There is a ‘Pre-Arranged Absence Form’ to fill out if you will be absent 3 or more days.  We do have a policy that requires us to withdraw your child if they are absent 20 consecutive days.  Although it would be our hope, we cannot guarantee that we can place your child with the same teacher upon return.

How do school supplies work?

The school will purchase all supplies needed to maximize purchasing power.  Families that wish to donate funds to support this effort are welcome to write a check to CBE in the amount spent by the school for your child.  This will be announced in August.

What is the homework policy?

We do not support the concept of daily academic homework.  Students may have to complete work they did not finish during the school day at home, or have an occasional assignment to complete with a family member.  In lieu of homework, daily reading minutes are essential to your child’s success.  Teacher may track and/or reward students that remain dedicated to their reading progress.

What if my child needs extra learning support?

We have many specialists on staff to assist students that need extra support to learn.  If you child has an IEP or 504, your new Case Manager will contact you at the start of the year to set up a meeting.  If you have questions about the services we have available, contact the Principal directly.

How can I volunteer at school?

We LOVE parent volunteers!  There are many opportunities to contribute to the work of the school, both in classrooms and as a part of our PTSA.  Start by securing volunteer clearance by filling out an application at Volunteering in LWSD - Lake Washington School District and call the main school office to gets started 😊